New Year goodies

During Chinese New Year celebration, homes will be filled with many traditional food from home-made cookies and cakes to delicacies such as barbeque pork which are served to visiting relatives and friends. I remember as a child growing up, my brothers and sisters would gather around the dinning table where my mum would prepare all kinds of new year goodies. We would help out like shaping pineapple tarts and oiling the trays. One of our favourite local salad called 'Ah Char' involves tedious work in cutting up vegetables, squeezing out the juice and drying them before mixing spices into it and then storing them in jars in the fridge. It is served with prawn crackers. The pictures shows some of our favourite goodies from our family's favourite the pineapple tarts, bbq pork and kuih lapis (multi layers cake). Others are the sweet sticky cake and the 'Hwat Kuih'. These days, people tend to buy them for convenient rather than making them at home.