Island in the Sun

The movie gives you a sense of what a tropical bliss feels like, travelling through Thailand as backpackers, making new friends and enjoying the beautiful sandy beaches.
I have backpacked around the southern islands of Thailand in 2007. Thailand has always been my favourite holiday destination, having visited many wonderful coastal towns and islands for many years ever since travel bug hit me. The Land of a thousand smiles offers friendly people, laid back culture, great food, beautiful sceneries and it is very inexpensive country to travel in. That were the reasons why I long to return to Thailand time and time again.

The photos shown here were taken in the island of Ko Lanta. It is one of a few islands that I visited during my 2007 trip. Ko Lanta is in the Adaman Sea close to Phuket and not as commercial.
When I backpack through Thailand I usually stay in simple accommodation such as the bungalow hut you see in the pictures. Almost every parts of the hut is made from trees and the outdoor bathroom is very basic decorated with shells collected from the sea.
It is that sense of living in nature, in its simplest form putting aside all the modern living and confort that excites me to go on this adventure.
Information on Koh Lanta -
Wikepdia on Ko Lanta - click
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