
If any of you who has moved house before then you certainly can understand what I am going through to organise and plan the whole thing.
The past year I have contemplated relocating back to Singapore to spend more time with my family and my dad who isn't well. I was brought up with a very loving and caring family; and being away from them and not living in the same country can make it quite difficult.
I have spent almost ten years living in Australia first in Canberra and then Sydney. During those time I have worked in two jobs and have made many wonderful and thoughtful friends who have filled my life with fun and laughter. That has made my stay in Sydney memorable and the friendship I certainly will treasure for a very long time.
Planning and coordinating a move, selling personal belongings, packing and shipping of stuff can be quite daunting. The past weeks I have finally have enough courage to make all this happen.
To begin the process, I had to identify every items in my house that I like to get rid of and those that I like to ship back to Singapore. Quite a few items especially large furniture I was tossing between whether to sell them or ship them. Some I finally decided to keep due to its excellent quality and the money that has gone into it. Otherwise if I sell them, it will not fetch much value. For that reason it is better to keep them.
I have also created a website with the items that I wished to sell. Over the last few days I have been slowly taking pictures and cataloging them which was very time consuming. The buyers I will be targeting are friends and other online auction websites like ebay.
Wish me luck in clearing all the items on time as I have only three weeks to do so before I have to vacate my place.